Are You Too Distracted From Fully Experiencing Your Life?
Recently my family had the opportunity to visit family that we had not seen in a long time. As with any trip I was packing all that we...

Recognizing Your Personal Power
You are here for a reason. And you have the power to choose what that might be. You have the power to uplift someone simply with a smile....

Everything Is Energy
It is our thoughts and beliefs about a thing that make it so. And when we back it up with emotional energy~positive or negative we give...

The Color Of Our Stripes
Each being deserves a place to be. A place to call home. This earth was made for all of us. Every single one. All souls count. My mix of...
Mental Transmutation: Changing Thought Patterns An Introduction
We are here to balance all body form's. An overabundance in one such as mental will cause an imbalance in another. Our body forms/fields...