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Holistic Consultation


The goal of Holistic consultation is to gain insight on the origin of challenges and difficulties, building awareness of how to cope, heal, and grow through these experiences.

Possible areas of exploration may include



  • Addressing emotions such as anxiety, depression, anger, grief and how they affect one as a whole.

  • Increasing coping skills.

  • Defining  your life purpose or passion.

  • Identifying and developing spiritual awareness and it's influence on one's life path.

  • Setting and achieving goals that are realistic and manageable for you

  • Identifying and releasing past patterns and belief systems that no longer serve you. 

  • Releasing and healing energetic blocks and stuck energy in the body,

  • Being more grounded and embodying more of your soul.

  • Guided Imagery/Guided Meditation may be used as needed

  • Vibrational/Energy Therapy techniques are used as needed.


​Are you an Empath or HSP?

I can assist you in setting appropriate energetic boundaries

so you can be your highest best self releasing the interference from others energy.

Step forward to claim your Divine Space and Sovereignty





Feeling Stuck? Holistic Consultation combines the use of Mental Alchemy changing ones thought processes, allowing one to look at life from a different perspective. Facilitating a deeper connection to ones intuition, assisting one on their life path. Energy therapy techniques may also be used during the session to clear blocks in one’s energetic fields. Less intensive and less formal than traditional counseling, Holistic Consultation allows one to work on topics of their choice and allowing them a stronger connection to their true self or higher self.


Holistic Consultations are designed to provide you information from which you can choose, through your free will what resonates with you.


****When choosing Holistic Consultation you are aware that the services are not the same as Clinical Counseling  therefore the Holistic Consultations are not to be construed as Clinical Mental Health Services.



Crystal Therapy
Energy Therapy 
Holistic Therapy
Holistic Consultation
Releasing past patterns and beliefs
Guided Imagery 
Vibrational therapy

This service is available online to U.S. and international clients



Zoom Sessions

*Eastern Standard Time*


*If you prefer you can pay through PayPal  below or Zelle and book directly by emailing me.

Holistic Consultation 30 minutes

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Holistic Consultation 60 minutes

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1 (4 Hour) Package Holistic Consultation Package 15% Discount

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Sessions Online

Insurance is not accepted

Online services and products are pre-paid through Paypal (or alternate form of payment)before services are rendered or products shipped.

I do not offer refunds on completed services for any reason. Also, refunds are not given for non-cancellation, no-shows for appointments.



*Medical disclaimer: This information is for educational and informational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice. The information is not intended to replace medical advice offered by physicians.

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